Summer Camp​
Before registering...
If you're planning to register for Farm & Garden or Pathfinders Camp:
Please do not sign up for more than four weeks (double week sessions count as two weeks).​
If you don't see an open spot in the week you want, do not lose hope -- please join the waitlist! The waitlist is consistently moving. The waitlist will take your credit card information, but it will not charge you until your child's spot is confirmed.
Joining the waitlist for Farm & Garden Camp automatically enters you into the lottery for a chance to win a spot. We will draw names on February 3rd.
Please check out our Philosophy Page. We do things differently than other education centers, and it's worth understanding why we do what we do, and considering whether NVF is the right fit for you and your family.
Each camp day runs from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. We offer Early Drop Off and Extended Day options (see below).
If you have any questions, please email newvillagefarmprograms@gmail.com.​​
For the first year, we are pricing Summer Camp on a sliding scale. We have three tiers:
Support -- this price covers credit card fees and it helps us to maintain the tiered pricing model to expand access to our community. Please consider paying the "support" price if you:
... Are securely employed and live in a multi-income home​
... Do not have significant loans or debt that inhibit your everyday spending
... Would not require community support in the case of emergencies
Standard -- this is the cost to deliver this programming. Please consider paying the "standard" price if you:
... Are securely employed and/or live in a multi-income home​
... Have an amount of savings that brings you relative financial security
... Have access to community financial support in cases of emergency
Community -- The "community" price is for those those who could not otherwise afford to attend Summer Camp. For example, if you are...
... Underemployed
... Have limited or no access to community financial support in the case of emergency
... Are disabled in any way that inhibits your ability to work
Please apply for a scholarship!
We very much appreciate how child care costs nowadays are extremely expensive. Thanks to a few very generous community donors, we have some funds to give away to make camp more accessible.
Please fill out this form to apply for a scholarship before January 16th.
If you'd like to make a donation to help support this work, you can do so here. Right now, an anonymous donor is offering to match any donation up to $2,500!​
We run four summer programs:
Pathfinders, ages 5-6 yrs (Support: $410 per week; Standard: $390)
Pathfinders is a program designed to serve our youngest campers with smaller group sizes and a space all their own for exploration, imagination, and the joyful work of the farm. This program eases newcomers into the magic and responsibility of work with animals and plants at a more moderate pace. We follow a rhythm similar to Farm and Garden Camp; we spend our morning working with the animals and in the garden, and our afternoons are spent exploring the woods, quarry, fields, and marshes around the farm, and diving into the interests that emerge from the group. Projects range from animal care, to wilderness skills, to cooking, to nature crafts, and whatever we dream up together!
If your 6 year old has spent significant time on the farm (e.g. has attended Farm School or 4 weeks or more of NVF programming in the past), you can consider signing them up for Farm & Garden Camp (see below).
Please note, your child must be 5 years old at the time of registration.
Pathfinders will run every week from June 16th through August 22nd.
Farm & Garden, ages 7-11 yrs (Support: $410 per week; Standard: $390)
Farm and Garden Camp is our longest-running program. We are committed to their participation in the true stewardship of the farm, animals, gardens, and wild spaces. During the camp day, kids are hand milking goats, tending to chickens and rabbits, and working in the garden. They are exploring the woods, crawling across danger log, learning to whittle (7 yrs+), working with clay, wood burning, practicing carpentry skills, natural dyeing, flower crowns, and any other crafts we can dream up together. We build our programs around the kids' love of nature and animals, their capacity for kindness, their competence in work, and their right to belong.​​
Farm and Garden will run every week from June 16th through August 22nd.
Weeks 1 & 2 (June 16th-27th) and Weeks 4 & 5 (July 7th-18th) are double week sessions. At this time, we are not able to split up double week sessions into individual weeks.​
Crew Camp, ages 10 yrs+ (Support: $375 per week; Standard: $355)
Crew Camp is designed to serve kids who love farm work. We balance our work with breaks and play, but our focus remains on serving the animals, plants, and infrastructure of the Farm. This camp is led by farm employees who need to get things done in their day and are happy to have kids join them in that effort. We ask that you take the Crew’s commitment to service into consideration when thinking of registering your child. If your child is not interested in hard, physical work, then this is not the program for them.
Crew Camp will run every week from June 16th through August 22nd.
If a week of Crew Camp does not have at least 6 campers, we will cancel the week, and you will have the choice between a refund or slotting your camper into a different camp based on your child's preferences.​
Counselors in Training (CIT), 12 yrs+ (Support: $300 per week; Standard: $280)
Campers 12 years and up who enjoy working with their younger peers are invited to join us as CITs (Counselors in Training). This is a great opportunity for young people who would like to get more involved with childcare opportunities (i.e. babysitting connections, mentor experience, work references). It’s also a great way for them to share their love of the farm with younger kids. You need not have been a camper to become a CIT.
Our CIT program has three tiers:
The first tier encompasses all new CITS to NVF. Their cost is priced at $275 per week.
The second tier are those who have had a good amount of experience in the role, and have demonstrated a strong ability to lead and take on more responsibility. This is the volunteer-level category, in which the CIT is able to attend Farm Camp free of cost. Staff will contact the CIT or CIT’s parent or caregiver directly if the CIT is eligible.
The third tier is stipended. CITs in this tier have been attending NVF for multiple seasons, and have consistently demonstrated their commitment to the mission of the Farm and their ability to work compassionately with kids. CITS in this tier must be 14+. Staff will contact the CIT or CIT’s parent or caregiver directly if the CIT is eligible.
The CIT program will run every week from June 16th through August 22nd.
Also available to all registered campers:
Early Drop off
​Monday through Friday, we offer two drop off options: 8 am ($12/day) and 8:30 am ($6/day). There are weekly and drop-in day options available.
Late Pick-up
​Monday through Friday, we offer one late pick up option for families who need to pick up their child at 4 pm for $12/day. There are weekly and drop-in day options available. Please note, there is an additional surcharge if you come later than 4:10 pm to pick up your child.
What should I bring to Camp?
Hearty lunch and snack
Weather-proof tote for gear
Two filled water bottles!
Sun hat
Sunscreen and bug spray
Gardening gloves
Change of clothes for all weather
Rain pants and rain jacket
Closed-toed shoes or boots for chores, can be swapped for sandals later in the day
Extra socks
Sprinkler clothes (as we will not be swimming, but hosing down regularly)
Muddy/wet clothes bag, a plastic bag works well for this
Please leave all knives, tools, and electronics at home. (If your child has a cell phone, we require them to keep it in their bin unless they need to contact a parent or guardian.)​​​
We will educate the children in safe farm conduct around poisonous plants, electric fences, tools, and the animals. At NVF, we do our best to meet kids where they are. However, we have baseline expectations that kids can understand the meaning of "no," "pause," and "stop", that they can be responsible for taking care of their fundamental needs (e.g. fueling their body with water and food, dressing themselves for the weather, etc.), that they can follow basic directions, and that they can operate in a group setting with other kids. New Village Farm reserves the right to ask children who infringes on the safety of themselves or others by consistently violating the boundaries and conduct requested of them.
Sick Days
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds for sick days or other scheduling conflicts.
Discount Policy
We offer 10% discounts for any siblings as long as they attend the same program and week as the first child. The 10% is only deducted from the second (& third, fourth...) child's tuition. This discount should apply at check-out.
Payment Plans
Payment plans are automatically available to everyone for no extra cost. If you need a personally tailored plan, please reach out to us before registration at newvillagefarmprograms@gmail.com, and we'll set one up with you.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
For each registration, there is a $75 non-refundable deposit built into the cost.
If you cancel before May 15th, we will provide a full refund minus the $75 non-refundable deposit.
If you cancel between May 16th and six weeks prior to the camp's start date, we will provide a 50% refund.
If you cancel after the six week mark, we cannot offer a refund of payment.
New Village Farm's Tax ID: 27-4665607