New Village Gardens
Veggies, Herbs, and Flowers
Veggies, Herbs, and Flowers
Our farm stand and pick-your-own gardens are open to everyone. We welcome you to stop by and pick up what you need for dinner that night or to do your veggie shopping with us every week! We will have farmers available to help orient you to the gardens if it's your first time visiting. Please sign up for our newsletter if you'd like to get updates on the garden this year.
​Pick-Your-Own Garden Subscription
We are excited to be piloting a Pick-Your-Own garden subscription program this year (June-October). Our goal is for folks to spend time enjoying the gardens, and, in doing so, learn more about growing food. This subscription is great for those who value freshness, like to know their growers and their food personally, and want to learn more about gardening and harvesting.
We also offer 50% discounted subscriptions for folks in need of financial assistance. You can apply for a discounted subscription through the NOFA Farm Share Program, selecting New Village Farm in your application.
What You'll Do
Select an option of $100 ($105 value), $250 ($269 value), $600 ($660 value), or $1,000 ($825 of produce plus unlimited herbalism, animal husbandry and gardening workshops, and 20% off workshops with visiting instructors)
Check out our upcoming workshops here
For your subscription, you will get a digital Square card that you can use like you would a giftcard—you'll pay for what you harvest on a given day with your card, deducting the amount purchased from your card balance. Your card may also be reloaded at any point if you would like. You may also purchase any farm products, including meat, eggs, and raw cow and goat milk with your subscription card from our farm stand if you wish.
Join us May 21st for our NVG opening day for free workshops and gardens orientation. After your first orientation or two, as soon as you feel comfortable, the gardens are open to you seven days a week, 8am to dusk.
What We'll Do
Pack mixed and salad greens, lettuce heads, and some other delicate items, ready for your pickup
Hold weekly harvesting workshops throughout the season to tell you about what's fresh that week, how to harvest it, and give you tips and tricks to cooking with it
Be available at specific times each week to help you get the hang of things.
Three discounted volunteer subscriptions are available (gardening experience required).
If accessibility is a concern, please contact us and we would be very happy to discuss accommodations.
We very much prefer payment in check or cash for subscription cards, in order to avoid the significant credit card transaction fees that are very burdensome for a small business like ours. If you still would like to pay with a credit card, we will add a surcharge to cover half of the 2.6% transaction fees. We also offer monthly payment plans for those who would like to apply for one.
Payment is due within 10 days of completing the signup form (first payment of monthly payment plans are also due within this timeframe). Checks or cash can be dropped off at the farm at 700 Harbor Rd. Shelburne, VT - type in "New Village Farm" rather than the address into Google Maps for accurate directions. If you need to pay with a credit card, please email us at newvillagegardens@gmail.com to coordinate.
Please email newvillagegardens@gmail.com with questions. We look forward to hearing from you!