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Farm School Program

Kids enrolled in Farm School opt out of their traditional school one day per week on a semester-long or year-long basis. At NVF, we have our own farm & forest curriculum to complement their in-school or homeschool learning. Farm School curriculum changes with the seasons; from harvest and cider pressing, to igloos and ice skating, to tending to seedlings and baby animals. On Tuesdays through Thursdays, we run FS for kids aged 5-9 yrs. Additionally, on Tuesdays, we run FS for kids aged 10 yrs and up. 


Reconnect your child to the rhythm of the seasons by giving them a full day each week to be outdoors! We find most students benefit from the grounding and belonging the farm provides -- not only at the farm, but also at school and at home.​​


Registration Details

  • Registration opens July 1st at 8:00 am.

  • You can choose whether to sign up your child(ren) for the Fall semester or for the Full-Year program (for a discount!).

  • If you join in the middle of the semester, we will always prorate the price, so you'll only pay for what you attend.

  • Please note that from January 8th-29th, we will only run Farm School on Wednesdays. It will be an "add on" on the registration page.

  • Sibling discount: After signing up your first child, we offer a 10% sibling discount for subsequent siblings.

  • We automatically offer two different payment plan options. If those don't suit your needs, we can always create a personally tailored payment plan. Just reach out to to arrange details.

  • Please know it can be an option to come on a bi-weekly basis. if you'd like to do this, please find a friend or sibling to fill your off weeks! 

  • If you'd like to discuss an October start, please email to arrange details.








Sliding Scale Pricing​

This year, we are proud to announce sliding scale pricing! We have three tiers:

Support -- Fall: $1,275, Full-Year: $2,450, This price covers our costs to deliver the program and it helps us to maintain the tiered pricing model to expand access to our community. It is rougly 10% more than the standard price. Please consider paying the "support" price if you:

  • ... Are securely employed and live in a multi-income home​
  • ... Do not have significant loans or debt that inhibit your everyday spending

  • ... Would not require community support in the case of emergencies

Standard -- Fall: $1,155, Full-Year: $2,250, This is the cost to deliver this programming. Please consider paying the "standard" price if you:

  • ... Are securely employed and/or live in a multi-income home​

  • ... Have an amount of savings that brings you relative financial security

  • ... Have access to community financial support in cases of emergency

Community -- The "community" price is for those those who could not otherwise afford to attend FS. There is not a set price for this category. This category has a barter component. Please reach out to to create an arrangement. This category is for those who might be experiencing:

  • ... Unemployment

  • ... Having limited or no access to community financial support in the case of emergency

  • ... A disability in any way that inhibits their ability to work


Daily Flow

No two days are the same, though the flow of the day remains constant.  Our days are a balance between farm driven projects, wilderness exploration, and kid-driven play. Projects include construction, carpentry, nature crafts, handwork, cooking, etc.

8:30-9:00 // Arrival

9:10 // Morning Circle

9:30 // Chores

10:30 // Snack

10:50 // Project time 

11:30 // Secondary Chores

12:15 // Hike to Lunch

1:00 // Story time, game time, forest exploration

1:45 // Hike back to the Farm

2:00 // Afternoon Checks

2:30 // Project wrap up time

2:45 // Closing Circle

3:00 // Pick up


Packing List
  • Hearty lunch and snack

  • Weather-proof tote for gear

  • Two filled water bottles

  • Sun hat

  • Sunscreen and bug spray

  • Gardening gloves

  • Change of clothes for all weather

  • Rain pants and rain jacket

  • Closed-toed shoes or boots for chores, can be swapped for sandals later in the day

  • Extra socks

  • Sprinkler clothes (as we will not be swimming, but hosing down regularly)

  • Muddy/wet clothes bag, a plastic bag works well for this

  • Please leave all knives, tools, and electronics at home. (If your child has a cell phone, we require them to keep it in their bin unless they need to contact a parent or guardian.)



  • We generally follow the Champlain Valley School District’s calendar, meaning we take off Thanksgiving week (November 25th-29th), Winter break (December 23rd - January 1st), February Break (February 24th-28th), Spring Break (April 21st-25th). 

  • The Fall semester runs from September 3rd - December 20th.

  • Please note that from January 8th-29th, we will only run Farm School on Wednesdays. It will be an "add on" on the registration page.

  • The Spring semester runs from February 4th - May 30th.


Snow Days

Again, we generally follow the Champlain Valley School District’s snow day policy. If there are more than 3 canceled snow days in a semester, we will offer a makeup day.


Sick Days

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds for sick days. It might be possible to schedule a makeup day for your child. Please get in touch with us!



We will educate the children in safe farm conduct around poisonous plants, farm equipment, electric fences, and the animals. New Village Farm reserves the right to terminate its relationship with any child who infringes on the safety of themselves or others by consistently violating the boundaries and conduct requested of them.


Please direct any questions and trial day inquiries to:


Refund & Cancellation Policy

  • For each registration, there is a $200 non refundable deposit built into the cost.

  • If you cancel 21 days before the start date, we will provide a full refund minus the $200 non-refundable deposit.

  • If you cancel between 20 days before the start date and 7 days after the start date, we will provide a 50% refund.

  • If you cancel 8 days after the start date, we cannot offer a refund of payment, but we can offer some credit on a case by case basis.

New Village Farm's Tax ID: 27-4665607

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